Tuesday, December 30, 2014

3rd Grading Reflection

3rd Grading has finally come to an end. I have learned a lot of lessons and a lot of experience this grading. As time goes by, lessons have become more difficult and hard to understand. But I won't bother, that’s life you know.
I have gained a lot of experiences in this Quarter. I develop my skills and there is some improvement on this Quarter. Blogging...now this activity is not so difficult for me because I work on it so many times.When this quarter starts I am so very ready for the activities about Blogs. I can do my Blogs easier than before because now I have a lot of experiences.I decided to improve more on my grades and to my I. C. T. subject and specially on Blogger. (Study Hard)Moving on...this quarter is much exciting and i have challenged in the activities. The next quarter I think it is easier than this quarter and I will do my very best because this is the last quarter.
I wish I could stop time or slower the time to longer my stay here in school. I am quite dramatic and emotional for this. There are such things that I will never forget especially during our third quarter. It gives me a lot of memories to be kept and treasured.

Monday, December 29, 2014

2015 the New Me


New Year is celebrated every year and for me New Year is a new chance to change things. New year new ambition, new rule, and new beginning for those who have mistakes.

2014 For me this is the start of the new chapter of my life Because this year I will be more serious on my studies and in all Aspects in life. This year I will make friends and I will Create new memories that I will bring in the near future of my life and I will use it When the time I need it.

There is nothing wrong in changing in your physical and personality in you. There is nothing wrong if we change for the better and if we change for the good of our future

Monday, December 8, 2014

Essence of Christmas

Christmas is a period of sharing things with those you love. Some of us or even most of us share gifts, foods and other important things that come from our heart. It is common to see people sharing Christmas gifts or Christmas cards and this Christmas cards are filled with love and happiness.
This is the most important thing that we should portray on this Christmas. This is sharing our time with our loved ones at home. Sharing our time makes our family/relatives happy and grateful. The true essence of Christmas is by sharing, showing love, and because of this, we could build new relationships from other people around us. Christmas is part of our tradition. We should give importance to it. Having this kind of special occasion is really good. We could learn many things if we celebrate this.

I wish everybody a merry Christmas. I hope that the next year will be more exciting and  I hope that there will be more challenges to come but I will overcome it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Climate Change


We are experiencing nowadays the changes in our environment, the rising of temperature, melting of ice in the south and north poles and also the acid rain.
The major factor that affects the environment is climate change. It affects lots of living things including some kinds of species of animals and plants including humans. This kind of climate change can affect the health of humans and can bring sickness to us.

We all can help the environment to become better. We must do everything to prevent this kind of phenomena. If we don’t act now there will be no future for the children. Before it’s late we must all unite to make our planet better and we must plant trees for the environment to become better.

Monday, November 17, 2014

English Month Celebration


                 Are you good at speaking in English? Are you using it in your daily lives? We all know that English is our national language and we use it to communicate with other people in the world.
                We use the English language in our daily lives like in school or in offices. Learning to speak English is hard because we are using our Iloco language. But we all must learn how to speak English. When we speak and communicate with our teacher in school we speak English and in getting our jobs in the future we are interviewed in the English language.

                As a student I urge everybody to use the English language. I sometimes use it with my friends when we are on the cell phone and on social medias like facebook and twitter. We also must read books, magazines and newspaper to increase our vocabulary and grammar in English

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Equal rights Equal Opportunities


Image result for equal rights

                         We should be fair to all of the things that is around us because some will feel that it’s not fair to them. We should think of what will people feel after of what we have done. If we are fair to all we will have an equal opportunity.
                          Some says that the government are not fair to us because some of the government officials are not paying their taxes and the  government employee are forced to pay they taxes. Government should be fair because some of the government employee are not paying their taxes and the government employee should not pay their taxes also because that taxes can buy some food to that person or family.

                           We are all people of this planet, we are all humans. There are no more powerful persons than the others. We are all born to have an equal right even though we are born rich or born poor. We are made by God with an equal opportunity to live in this world.